Other Interests

Movies & Series

Of course I like to watch movies and series, and I try to watch most of my friends’ pickings. Even so I like to feel these with my artistic sensibility, I apreciate good photography or good character development, or even both. Among my favorite directors there is Stanley Kubrik, Andrei Tarkovsky, David Fincher, Wes Anderson, from whose I love almost everything.

The Shinning (1980) Zerkalo (1975)

Science Fiction

I grew up with X-Files and the science fiction classics and a taste for reading so I developed a passion for science fiction stories leading to my ever growing science fiction library, of which I’m proud. I also like old science fiction cover artworks. Some of my favorites are Arthur C. Clarke, Philip K. Dick and Isaac Asimov. Too bad it’s been hard to find some time to read lately, such is the modern life.

My Books


Occasionally I try to develop my drawing technique a bit further, this helps me connect with my creative side while having some introspective time but most important of all having the joy of developing a skill.

My Drawings

Learning languages

Like programming languages I’ve been studying other languages like Romanian, German, Farsi, Japanese.